Media | Info

»You can watch our info-clips 2.0 here…

Watch our nostalgic info-clips 1.0 here…

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Introduction (language german)

In our introduction video you can learn more about us, our work and our practice.

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Gold acupunctur

Here you get an insight into the topic Gold Acupuncture. More information can be found here.

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Physiotherapy (language german)

Learn more about our physiotherapy.

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Diagnostics (language german)

A good diagnosis is necessary for a good therapy!

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Pain therapy (language german)

Our pain therapy.

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Traditions and rituals (language german)

A look back at our summer party – humans and animals thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

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Low Level Lasertherapy

You can get an impression of our laser therapy here.


Journal 14

Information from the Rosin veterinary practice


More information (PDF, in german)

Bildhafte Erklärungen zur Hüftgelenkserkrankung des Hundes


More Information (PDF, in german)

Regenerative Zell- & Faktorentherapie für kranke Gelenke

PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma - Körpereigene Wachstumsfaktoren & regenerative Zellen zur sanften und dauerhaften Schmerzreduktion.

More Information (PDF, in german)

