Information sheets (download)

TypeTopicDownload PDF
AnesthesiaConsent form for an anesthesia / surgeryDownload
AnesthesiaPostoperative Nachsorge / Informationen zur OP-Entlassung | (ipdf, german)Download
AnesthesiaPre-anesthetic examinationDownload
ArthrosisJoint wear in the dog | (pdf german)Download
CastrationsAftercare for castrations and other surgeriesDownload
Cell and factor therapyPRP – Platelet-Rich Plasma | (pdf german)Download
Gold acupunctureGold acupuncture procedureDownload
Gold acupunctureOverviewLink
Gold acupunctureTaking care of your pet after the gold acupuncture procedureDownload
Hip jointHip joint dysplasia | (pdf german)Download
PennHIP (method)Early diagnosis of the hip joint usingLink
Tumor therapyDendritic cell therapy in cancer treatment | (pdf german)Download