FAQ - Gold acupuncture

Dear patient owners, on the following pages you can inform yourself in advance about gold acupuncture. Here we will answer the most frequently asked questions. Of course you can contact us, should you have any additional questions. Our practice team will be happy to assist you.


Can every animal be treated with gold acupuncture?

In principal, yes.
Contraindications for gold acupuncture are known tumor diseases, acute inflammatory processes as well as patients with exclusively surgical indications (e.g. fractures, OCD, etc.)


Is there a minimum or maximum age?

The procedure can be applied at any age. The decision to implement it is made on an individual basis.


Is the treatment suitable for every disorder?

No, it is not. We primarily treat disorders of the locomotor system. But even seizure disorders (e.g. epilepsy) and internal disorders (e.g. kidney insufficiency) can be treated with this method.


Can gold acupuncture be a substitute for surgery?

No, it cannot replace a necessary operation. But in many cases, it can be implemented to render an operation unnecessary.


What can I expect during further treatments and aftercare?

After each treatment, 1-3 follow-up exams follow, during which the healing progress is assessed through gait analyses and trigger point examinations. Additionally, physiotherapy, osteopathy and/or chiropractic may be recommended. There are no contraindications for these measures. Procedures such as laser- and magnetic field therapy, current and ultrasound treatments as well as massages can be applied as early as three to four days after the gold acupuncture treatment.


How long does the gold acupuncture work?

The implants usually remain in the same positions in which they were injected. They thereby work for the rest of the patient’s life in the affected area. The effect also depends on the degree of movement. The implants can only work if the animal sufficiently stays in motion.


When is a treatment recommended?

Does the treatment have to be repeated?
Normally, no. However, during the lifetime of the patient, additional ailments of the locomotor system may occur. In some cases, an additional treatment may therefore become necessary.


Do the implants move around?

In very rare cases they may do so. As of 2019, with over 550.000 injected implants, we have recorded 10 cases of individual implants that were not found in their original injection sites.


Do pet health insurances cover the costs for this procedure?

Some health insurances do cover the costs, while others do not. Please inform yourself about the extent of the insurance policies of individual providers.


How much does the gold acupuncture cost?

The price depends on the extent and complexity of the patient’s ailments. Simply said: a small repair is cheaper than the refurbishment of an old building.